Clean Air Together - Application Form


To register, you need to:
  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Be able to install a small NO2 measurement tube at a location in Limerick City (address with a Limerick City Eircode within the Metropolitan District of Limerick City). This may be at your residence, workplace or community building.
  • Have access to a ground-floor or first-floor window facing a road at that location.
  • Be available to deploy and remove the tubes on specific project dates.

Please confirm that this is the case by answering "Yes" to the following question:

I fulfill the criteria for registration to Clean Air Together (Limerick City).
Shipping Address: Your measurement pack will be sent here if you are selected to participate. Look up your Eircode at
Measurement Location: This is the location where you will deploy your NO2 measurement device. Look up your Eircode at